Emergency Go Kit List
Fire Terminology
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Road Access Safety
This beautiful place we live in has one big danger – wildfire. We need to manage the forest we live in to mitigate the danger. Clearing out dead wood and brush, eliminating fuel ladders into the crowns, and promoting a healthy forest all matter.
If there is a fire, we are concerned about evacuation. Most of us have only one way to get out. So, what can we each do to make our primary, and possibly only, exit safer?
CAL FIRE recommends that:
Go have a look at the road along your property. Does it meet this standard? What do you need to do for it to meet this standard? Every property owner is responsible for maintaining clear space along the road and 15 feet of vertical space above the road. It is the responsibility of property owners to maintain the clearance along the road.
Unless you are at the very end of the road, others must pass your property. If you don’t maintain the road of 20 feet width, according to the standard, you put others at risk if there is a wildfire event. So please be a good neighbor and clear the brush along the road! If you need help, ask. There are neighbors who are willing to help.
The standard of 20-foot roadbed and 15 feet vertical clearance applies to both private roads and county roads.This standard is not being met in many cases. Please take up your responsibility to clear the space and the vertical clearance.
Note: The 5 feet of clear space includes brush and fences but not big healthy trees if they are limbed up and there are no fuel ladders such as branches, shrubs, or bushes.
Even if your roadbed is less than 20-feet wide, maintaining 5 feet of clear space on each side still helps a great deal with ingress and egress. So, again, be a good neighbor and clear the necessary vegetation along the road by your property.
Article provided by Oak Hill Fire Safe Council