Schedule your FREE Home Assessment!
Last year Texas Hill Estates was inspected by the county.  This inspection was only for defensible space but not for home hardening.

The goal of our assessment is to help you define your defensible space parameters and to provide you with recommendations on hardening your home as well.

Our Assessors have completed the 16 hour "Home Ignition Zone / Defensible Space Assessor" training course through the El Dorado County Fire Safe Council. The Assessor will provide you with a detailed report which will assist you in improving your defensible space and home hardening plan.

If you are interested in a free assessment, click the button below to complete a request.  Someone will contact you.
About Us

Texas Hill Estates is a public access community presently containing 104 buildable lots ranging in size from 2 acres to 10 acres. Currently there are approximately 98 completed homes, Texas Hill Estates is bordered on the north by Placerville Airport, on the south by Weber Creek, on the east by the Newtown Acres subdivision, and on the west by Cedar Ravine Road. Its exact boundaries are the same as those of the Texas Hill Road Zone of Benefit as registered with El Dorado County.

Specifically, the following roads are included in Texas Hill Estates Fire Safe Council Zone:

Donner Trail                         Nugget Lane

Eureka Court                       Miners Court  

      Fairover Court                     Promenade Lane 

Fairover Drive                      Sara Lane       

                               Family Court                      Star Gazer Lane                          

Gingham Court                   Texas Hill Road 

Also includes two homes on Cedar Ravine Road    

Texas Hills Estates is located in the foothills of the northern Sierra Nevada mountains of California at the 2000 to 2500 foot elevation. The vegetation is a mix of fuel types that is rated by CAL FIRE as a Very High Severity Hazard. The steep terrain, composition, density, structure, and heavy fuel loading of the vegetation adjacent to and within Texas Hill include all of the elements for a catastrophic wildfire. We are fortunate to have five El Dorado County Fire Protection District stations within a less than 15 minute response of our area. However, we feel it necessary to take action to prevent a disastrous fire from developing in our community.

The Council has developed a Wildfire Evacuation and General Preparedness Plan should a wildfire occur near or in our area of the intensity that requires an evacuation.

Texas Hill Estates Fire Safe Council Board Members
Janet Mills - Chair 
Hugh Council - Vice Chair

Toni Dent - Treasurer

Patty Clark - Secretary
Tim Kordes - Texas Affiliate

Mission Statement

The mission of the Texas Hill Estates Fire Safe Council is to increase wildfire preparedness and prevention efforts.  

These efforts are designed to protect our residents, recognize evacuation plans, and reduce property damage by:

  • Serving as a forum for the implementation of the measures outlined in the Community Wildland Protection Plan
  • Sharing fire-safety information
  • Assessing fire risk
  • Promoting community life safety, fire-safe planning and coordination
  • Supporting police and fire agencies and local fire safe councils


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